Creating an internal staff engagement app for First Nations case management teams
The Project
VACCHO approached RARE with an interest in creating a companion app for their newly implemented Client Case Management System. The CMS is a new digitalised system for VACCHO providing a single source of truth for case worker data for the First Nations people in their care. The concept behind the companion app was for workers in the field using this new CMS system to have an engaging, informative resource to chat, share, collaborate and learn from co-workers across the 33 Aboriginal Controlled Organisations ACCO’s across Victoria to strengthen the implementation of the new case management system across Victoria.

Our Strategy
After talking with the VACCHO CMS Team is became clear that the team were passionate about the CMS Project and required a way to onboard, encourage, support and train the implementation of a new digital system to a broad cross section of participants from case workers in the field, support staff, administration and VACCHO the peak advisory body that powers the system. Engagement and connectedness was our key objective, so an internal social engagement platform was proposed so the 1500+ people involved across the 33 ACCO’s could come together and make the Project fly.

An interactive social engagement app was created with modular features designed to grow as the Project progresses. A news / chat feed where users can upload photos and video, share stories and success, ask questions, like, comment and interact with co workers across the state who they have likely not interacted with before provides a connected team environment. Other stand out features include a resource and knowledge hub, customisable training modules, group set up called “campfires” that users join on specific topics or areas, and an element of fun with a points / achievements system for users interacting with the app. The app has had incredible uptake across the sector and has provided and important collaborative network for the CMS rollout.